Traffic Police boss Norman Musinga enraged as estranged wife asks for Shs100m and 25 cows to accept divorce

Norman Musinga

Norman Musinga

Relationships are hard. Marriage is even harder. What was a once cherished love turn into hate and rage real quick. The above statements describe what is currently happening between Kampala Metropolitan Police Traffic Commander Norman Musinga and estranged wife Esther Kyinkuhaire.

Musinga is currently going back and forth with Kyinkuhaire over the custody of children.

In 2016, Musinga dragged Kyinkuhaire to court and asked for divorce on grounds of infidelity. Musinga believed that Kyinkuhaire was giving bedroom benefits to other men in his back, and would deny him the same benefits for prolonged periods of time, something he could not take anymore.

Court heard his plea and separated them, and gave Kyinkuhaire rights of custody to the children.

The official divorce has since stalled because Kyinkuhaire is asking for a whooping Shs100 million and 25 cows from Musinga as compensation, a package that Musinga has not yet paid.

In the due course, Musinga has gone ahead to assume custody of the children, picking them from Hormisdallen Primary School only a few days before the term closed off and took them to a yet-to-be identified place for holidays, something that his estranged wife has not taken lightly.

In his defence, Musinga says that court reversed their custody decision in 2019 and that he can have them whenever he wants. Musinga went ahead to say that Kyinkuhaire is tarnishing his name, and that he is soon suing her for that.

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