HEALTH: How to eat healthily at a festival

It is that time of year again. Artists are releasing new music, cut-off denim shorts, battered wellies and Glo-Sticks are back in fashion, and friends start flooding your Instagram with selfies taken in fields in the sun and rain. It is festival season! 

Nyege Nyege has already kicked off and this often means three-day weekends, partying into the early hours, sporadic eating habits and some dubious food choices.

Below are tips on eating healthily at a festival.

1. Be prepared

It is really important to be prepared. Don’t just stuff your bag with clothes and booze, spare a thought for healthy snacks like nuts, protein bars or energy balls, and small sachet of nut butter,

2. Take a bag of carrots

This may seem strange to festival goers, but Tony Solomon, who is the founder of Anna Mae’s, a popular festival food truck that has attended some of the UK’s biggest festivals, says it is a great idea.

He says, “We love to take a bag of carrots too. They keep really well in hot tents and it’s nice to have something crunchy and healthy to snack on. Other fruits tend not to keep so well in festival conditions.

3. Go veg

Eating lots of vegetables at a festival and visiting the different food stalls to pick up vegetables. Vegetarian and vegan items aren’t always necessarily better for you, but many of the food stalls that feature veg options tend to have health in mind, so they’re great places to seek out nutritious food. Steer clear of heavy sauces and fried items. Raw, steamed, or roasted veggies will keep you feeling full and fantastic all weekend.

4. Breakfast is Key

It is important to eat good breakfast at festivals, especially as your food choices can be sporadic! Try to eat a protein-rich breakfast to avoid any blood sugar crashes, especially if you are going to be drinking throughout the day. Another idea is to find a van selling porridge which you can add your mixed nuts or nut butter to or even avocado and egg on toast, washed down with  water or if there is a smoothie truck, have a fresh smoothie.”

5. Stay hydrated

It is so important to drink lots of water as it can stave off heat exhaustion, which is all too common at festivals. It is so easy to get swept away with festival fever but it is important to sip on water throughout the day to stay hydrated. This will boost your energy and see you dancing until morning! It will also support your liver, too. If you’re drinking alcohol, then pack some coconut water, which is full of electrolytes. Carry around a bottle of water with freshly squeezed lemon juice in it. Easy to make and refreshing and also contains vitamin C which is great for detoxing.”

6. Share treats with a friend

By sharing food with friends you can avoid eating too many unhealthy foods. Part of the fun of attending a festival is enjoying some really delicious goodies you otherwise wouldn’t have, right? But remember, you’re not the only one drooling over that cheesy, bacon-filled baguette so ask a friend or two if they would like to split one. That way, you get to indulge without losing ground with the healthy habits you’ve worked so hard to put in place.

7. Pick wisely

Festivals nowadays offer many more food options than just greasy burger trucks with a range of trucks now catering for healthier needs. Try to make informed choices! Keep up your nutrients by getting some greens in the form of veggies or a smoothie your liver will love you for it!

8. Seek out less processed items

At some festivals it can be hard to find foods that are not processed, You don’t have to stick to just veggies, of course, but when it comes to meat, look for the least processed items. Lean, grilled chicken or beef is more healthful than fried chicken or sausage.

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