Shocker! UBC Radio, Moroto housed in a container and broadcasts twice a month

Uganda can never run short of unusual incidents, a government radio station in Moroto District that was opened in 2015 under Uganda Broadcasting Cooperation (UBC) is housed in a white container and operates only twice a month.

The revelation was made to President Yoweri Museveni by one of the radio journalists a one James Otheino during his tour in the Karamoja sub region. Othieno told the president that the station has no equipment to keep it functional.

Otheino said, “Mr President, UBC radio which I work for is always off. In fact, it is on just twice in a month and it is a government radio. I would like to understand why a government radio would be like this.”

This cracked Museveni as he pledged to follow up the matter.

“I’m sorry to hear about UBC which is totally seasonal. A radio is supposed to be daily not seasonal. That it only comes on twice every month – that one now is something new because radio is supposed to be every day, otherwise how will people know which date. I’m very happy you told me, I’m really going to follow it up,” he said.

The station was specifically opened to spread government’s gossip on social, political and economic programmes.

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