Prof. Apolo Nsibambi’s quotes on success, leadership, corruption, social life and power among others

As the country mourns the former Prime Minister Prof. Apolo Robins Nsibambi, we bring you some of the ways the Professor touched lives and hearts through his words.

“Public Holidays are creating problems, I am disgusted with too many public holidays and I hope one day we shall be able to reduce them by 50 percent,” Prime Minister Prof. Apolo Nsibambi speaking at one of the Uganda Revenue Authority’s Tax Appreciation Day celebrations.

“One of the reasons why people do not implement things efficaciously, is that we do not take into account the time frame required to carry out routine work in addition to vital assignments given to Government,” Prof. Nsibambi on the usefulness of keeping time

 “Today I visited the cancer Institute and I grasped the problem; absence of cancer drugs for three months and I learnt that people have died. The NMS must provide drugs as people are dying,” Prof. Nsibambi, August 16, 2010 on the absence of drugs in hospitals

“I request you to provide me with the names of the particular ministers who have interfered with funds of statutory bodies with hard evidence so that I may get the response of the ministers and take appropriate action (on them),” Prof. Apolo Nsibambi while trying to crack down corrupt ministers in 2010

“The law must discriminate because by the time someone is 75, he is already tired. To remove age limits is to encumber him. The reasons MPs are giving are not sound. It is only in very exceptional cases where people reach 75 and they can perform and there are not so many exceptional cases.” Nsibambi on the removal of the presidential age limit

“I’m enjoying my retirement and I would wish the same for the president,” Prof. Nsibambi on how life is like after retiring

“When leadership is confined to the president, it’s not good. In fact good leadership entails good followership and followers must tell the leader the truth,” when Prof. Nsibambi called for Museveni’s advisors to be true to him.

“He needs a successor so that things can move well and he can also advise as a grandfather,” when Nsibambi advised Museveni to retire during an interview with NTV in 2018

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