Doreen Gift Bugingo, the daughter of controversial Pastor Aloysious Bugingo, has refuted claims made by his father to the congregation over the weekend, that Doreen and his mum Teddy Bugingo (estranged wife of the pastor) are trying to steal and sell off ‘church’ property that includes land and Salt Media.

Speaking to the media yesterday, Doreen Bugingo said her father’s claims are impossible because he is the only signatory to the property that he claims they want to steal and sell off.
“My dad is the only signatory to the land titles, and to the certificates of registration and ownership of all ministry businesses such as Salt Media,” Bugingo said. “No one can steal and sell off the property without his consent, even that which is registered in the names of House of Prayer Ministries, such as the land.”
Doreen said that in her view, her father is only making ‘reckless accusations’ because he is trying to justify his ‘impending marriage’ to one Susan Makula Nantaba, who is a part of Pr. Bugingo’s congregation as well as a staff at Salt Media. She reckoned that the truth is soon going to come out.