Museveni worried of hungry MPs being able to dictate their salary

President Yoweri Museveni has hit at Members of Parliament for cruising through a clause in the constitution that makes them dictate their salary.

While opening the 21st annual judges’ conference at Serena Hotel, the President said that he is troubled by the parliament salary act.  

“I do not know what they (people who wrote the constitution) were trying to achieve in a young country like this one. The way the constitution was written brought some confusion, it weakened the President. According to the constitution, parliament can fix its own salary. You do not make hungry people fix their salary,” Museveni said.

Museveni states that a lot more acts in the constitution distress him but with his cool-head, he has managed to survive all these years.

“According to the constitution, if Parliament passes a bill and the president refuses to sign it twice, it will be passed the third time whether the president wants or not,” he said.

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