32-year-old British MP announces he is HIV positive in parliament

British Labour MP Lloyd Rossell –Moyle made history as the first legislator to reveal to parliament that he has HIV. It was yesterday when the labour MP Russell told the house of commons he had been living with the virus for nearly 10 years.

He says next year, he will be marking an anniversary of his own. 10 years since he became HIV Positive. He says it has been a long journey, from the fear of acceptance, and yesterday  hopefully advocacy. Knowing that his treatment keeps him healthy, and protects any partner that he may have.

Russell said when you are first diagnosed, you get that call from the clinic and they just say, ‘you need to come in’. They don’t tell you the details. And you immediately something is going to be wrong so all the different worst case scenaries flash through your mind and, of course being some who was a sexually active young man HIV is one of those things that flashes through there.

He made his announcement yesterday on HIV and world Aids day which will be marked on December 1, saying he decided to speak out because he had ‘a duty as a member of parliament’.

The labour MP who is 32 years old and the Member for Brighton Kemptown , was intended to tackle the stigma still associated with the condition.



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