Dear haters, I have so much for you be mad at, just be patient —Princess Komuntale warns critics off her new man

Tooro Princess Ruth Komuntale is yet again under scrutiny over her relationship choices. We recently unveiled her new man, Phil, a one Jamaican deejay who adopted the Tooro empako(pet name), Amooti.

With her new choice of man yet again against public, royal or popular views, Ruth Komuntale is not letting her joy and happiness to be ruined by traditional values and culture. For starters, Ruth’s new man passes for yet another ‘bad boy’ just like her former husband Christopher Thomas.

While it’s clear that she has a type, perhaps people are also scared of a similar incident befalling her again; heartbreak, public disgrace and a shock divorce!

Biting back on Instagram, she warns her haters to let her be.

“Dear haters, I have so much for you to be mad at. Just be patient”, she posted like a jilted slay queen.

Explaining further, she stated that ‘some sad Ugandans’ should mind their business!

“It’s some sad Ugandans. Unfortunately it’s always from my own people”, she stated.

Dear Batooro, the message is now loud and clear.

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