GNL Zamba attacks Kanye West saying ‘people need water not shoes’ but Ugandans think it’s jealousy

Lugaflow rapper GNL Zamba is currently involved in a ‘Twitter fingers’ war-fare with fans who seem not impressed by his views about visiting American rapper Kanye West. In a tweet, GNL claims Kanye West is not a genius as many people perceive him to be. He also states that the rapper is selfish, self-centred person; among other things that did not go well with several Ugandans who are enjoying every bit of the Kanye West-Kim Kardashian bug.

“Kanye West is a rapper not a hiphop artiste. He is not a genius, he is selfish, self serving, self-centred human. Right now Uganda is a pawn for selling his BS. That is my opinion for this black Judas. How is that for free thought Ye? People need water not Yeezy Gs!”, he tweeted.

Well, well!

The fans dived in with some reminding GNL Zamba that despite his ‘Pan-africanism’ claims, he left the country for greener pastures in America with a white lover. Also some challenged him to practicse what he is preaching.

What do you make of GNL Zamba’s claims?



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