Parliament should pay for us OTT so that we utilise our iPads better — MP Kaps Fungaroo

Obongi County Member of Parliament (MP) Hon. Hassan Kaps Fungaroo during yesterday’s plenary sitting rose on a matter of national importance to address what he said was a growing challenge of cyber crime.

The MP said his computer was hacked into and he feels threatened because he is not sure which information the hackers were able to access.

In his communication, he sparked controversy when he suggested that their tools of communication (iPADs) are not helping them because the Over the Top Tax (OTT) was not paid for.

The legislator said that there is a problem between the Parliament Commission and the service providers citing that as members, they have no access to the provision that would allow them pay OTT on their iPADs.

He suggested that if this access cannot be opened to them, to allow them pay their own OTT, then the Parliament commission should pay this tax for them.

Ironically, OTT was introduced by Parliament in July. The tax is levied on social media access with a daily fee of Shs200.

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