NRM evicted over unpaid Shs1.8m rent in Luweero

Mr.David Kamugisha the NRM district party registrar together with the district administrative Secretary, Ms. Maria Goreti Naiga have been forced by their Landlord to vacate their offices after failing to pay their monthly rent summing up to Shs1.8m for nine months.

Crowd getting jiggy at NRM event

The Landlord under ‘ M/S Kasoma and sons ‘  together with the village Chairman Mr.Ssaka Kisseka stormed the Luweero  NRM offices and evicted the two officials over unpaid rent.

 “ I am acting on behalf of M/S Kasoma and sons who own the building and are demanding rent arrears which have accumulated to Shs1.8 million. Locking up the office would not be the best alternative but all your bosses have decided to ignore the constant reminders to have the rent arrears cleared,” said  Mr. Mahad Ssemambo, the Kasoma Estate Manager

Mr.Ssemambo added that he had tried to reach out to several NRM top officials at the party headquarters on Kyadondo Road in Kampala and they only told him to be patient.

Mr.David Kamgisha one of the NRM officials said the action by their landlord to have the offices locked were harsh and directed to the wrong people because the rent is not paid by the district NRM officials but the party headquarters.

” Forcing us out of the building was not the best action. He was supposed to write to us before locking the office,” Kamugisha said.

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