Mother wrestles 20 chimpanzees, rescues 5-month-old baby from ‘kidnap’

Oliver Kemigisa, a mother  in Kagadi district had to write her own heroine story to save her 5-month-bold baby, Rachael Karungi. The incident occured on Sunday at around 5pm, as she was preparing supper.

She told New Vision that had left the baby with a three-year-old in the verandah as he carried out her routine chores in the compound. As she went on with her work, she was had cries of the baby and was shocked when she saw over 20 chimpanzees sorrounding the baby.

Her baby was already in the arms of chimpanzee as another targeted to ‘kidnap’ the three-year-old.

“When I saw that they (Chimpanzees) wanted to take my second child, I became firm and fought them. That is how I saved the boy,”  Kemigisa told New Vision.

She said Karungi was taken into the nearby bush, but residents turned up immediately and began chasing them. The animals had hidden the baby in the grass after removing the skirt she was wearing.

When the baby was discovered, she was unconscious and was immediately rushed to Muhorro Health centre III where she is currently admitted.


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