#ON THE JOB: Julian dreams of a successful PR career

Julian Nyamija is a front desk manager at Soothing Spa Kamwokya.

When did you join the employed ranks? 

I joined employment in 2016.

What were you doing and how much were you paid? 

I was a marketer for a commercial printing company.

When did you start rising through the ranks? 

In March 2017; that is when I was considered as a permanent employee.

How exactly did you come to your current work?

I joined Soothing Spa after reading an advert.  I wrote an application and luckily enough I went through. 

What are your future career plans? 

To become a renowned public relations manager.

Who do you look up to in the career world? 

Allen Kagina. She’s one of the few Ugandans who have helped people get to higher positions in big institutions like URA. 

What motivates you in your work? 

A number of things [such as] seeing our clients happy and appreciative. It is not only [about] money although this is my highest-ever paying job.

What books do you read? 

I don’t read any books in particular but I have subscribed to some motivational writers’ blogs.

Tell us about yourself.

I am 23 years of age, single but seeing someone. I am the third born in my family. I went to Kyambogo University for a Bachelor’s degree in Management Science.

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