Mowzey Radio’s mother denies Mutooro man who claims to be biological father of fallen singer

Days after singer Mowzey Radio was laid to rest in Kagga Nakawuka, Entebbe, a man identified as George Asiimwe Kateeba hailing from Fort Portal surfaced claiming to be the biological father of the fallen singer.

Speaking to the media, George stated he wants to apologise to Jane Kasubo (Radio’s mother) for the past mistakes. He also stated he wanted the singer reburied in Fort Portal.

In response, Radio’s mum has trashed the allegations made by George. Jane maintains that she has never met any Mutooro man by those names and in her rightful memory, she doesn’t recall any interaction with him. She rather says George could instead be among the suspected killers of his son Radio.

“ I swear upon the living God, I don’t know that Mutooro man. I was told he came here ( Nakawuka) with a taxi carrying matooke and he claims to be the father of my son. Instead, I suspect he could be among people who killed my son”, Jane said in an interview with Spark TV.

According to rumours, DNA tests might be carried out to identify the biological father of the late after another man surfaced.


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