Local drama series, “Yat Madit: The Crossroads Project” has received the 2017 Intercultural Innovation award. The organization was selected among over 1,300 grassroots organizations that applied for the prestigious Intercultural Innovation Award,a partnership between the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations and the BMW Group.
The Intercultural Innovation Award Ceremony was held in New York at United Nations headquarters, in the presence of ambassadors and high level UN officials in New York 29 November2017
“The ‘Crossroads Project” uniquely uses media as an alternative approach to promote peace, and was very successful when implemented in Northern and North Eastern Uganda,” said Jan Ajwang, Programme Manager.
“We would like to replicate the ‘Crossroads Project’ in other parts of Uganda that have a history of underlying conflicts and tensions and hope that we can pursue this goal with support from the Intercultural Innovation Award. ”
Following consultation with the community, MFA designed and produced a 13 episode television and radio drama series Yat Madit based on real life experiences
The series is aired nationally and explored topics such as the plight of post war communities
and influenced public perceptions towards cultural diversity.