Former Sanyu FM presenter Seanice Kacungira (now Lojede) is a hard working woman. If in doubt, then you should know that while the average working woman takes three-months maternity leave, the Blu Flamingo digital marketing agency boss worked even during labour.
Seanice who is married to Nigerian actor Fabian Lojede gave birth to a an adorable baby girl on Thursday and later took to her Facebook page to narrate how she worked during her labour.
“On the 18th May 2017 – two years and two days after the birth of my first born baby boy, my second born darling baby girl – Folasade came into the world- yes the joy is indescribable …the emotion euphoric. Etc.”
“During the 32 hours of labour – I did what anyone who knows me well enough would expect me to- I worked! Made calls, took calls. Sent emails, studied a bit of the course I’m undertaking – you know the usual.. My husband was right there with me – joking and laughing (until things got too intense to laugh and push at the same time),” Seanice narrated her experience.
“I got a few somewhat judgemental emails back about how I shouldn’t be working but the rest of my pack were pretty supportive even if they wouldn’t do the same.”

“I guess what I’ve learnt from this is that you can only ever be who you are. My husband and I wanted our kids, planned our kids and make time for them. However we are very aware of the fact that we aren’t our kids. They will have their own lives, make their own mistakes and through it all have our unconditional love.”
She also had some inspirational words to fellow new parents.
“So, to you out there who’s probably also just had a baby – love that little one with everything you’ve got – but don’t lose who you are in the process – because in the long run you are also depriving your child of getting to know the real YOU…”
Another revelation, “I typed while breastfeeding ???” Looks like there is no stopping for her.