MUK lecturer is a woman of action. Yes, she also talks but unlike most people she walks the talk. The gofundme sanitary pads for Uganda campaign has raised $950 (about Shs3.4m) on day one. The money has been contributed by over 27 people across the world who believe in the efforts. Dr. Stella Nyanzi hopes to raise $10K(about Shs35m)
“A lack of sanitary pads has catastrophic implications for many girls and women. It often denies them their right to dignity; we continue to read horror stories about how young girls use leaves and unhygienic methods to control the blood flow during menstruation. A vast number of rural girls who come from poor backgrounds and communities use mattress stuffing, newspapers and cloths when menstruating due to the fact that they can not afford disposable sanitary pads from the stores”.
It is no secret that many young girls stay away from school during the menstruation period, scared and embarrassed”, Angwella John Nyabinghi commented on the fundraising page.
Her campaign follows ministry of Education and sports declaration that government has no money to fulfill its promise of giving free pads to every girl child especially those in the rural areas.
Fundraising campaigns in Uganda have registered several success stories notably cancer cases.