When singer Bebe Cool’s fans decided to come together in a Facebook group- Gagamel Phamily, they were getting together to show support for their favourite artiste.
But fast forward, it was agreed to use the page to promote and defend Bebe on social media and the impact of the Gagamel Phamily on Bebe’s music career, cannot go unnoticed, as the group has a special gift for insulting whoever criticises or attacks their man!
Well, we just learnt that the group which started in 2011 has gradually evolved into more of a business club; albeit maintaining its primary role of supporting Bebe.

We have it on good authority that the group is now an investment club or sacco of sorts. We can confirm that a few members are already pooling cash on a monthly basis, with hope of using it for profitable investment ventures as well as extend soft loans for subscribed members.
The latest on our desk is that the group is the force behind the upcoming Gagamel boat cruise due on April 8, the weekend before the Easter holidays.
The boat cruise will feature a live performance by Bebe Cool and his Gagamel band and one will have to part with Shs 80,000 for an ordinary ticket or Shs 130,000 for a VIP ticket.