Maurice Kirya tries his luck as investor in financial technology

Beyond his singing career, singer Maurice Kirya has proved to be such a shrewd businessman who is ready to try out any business he believes in. We all remember Maurice’s Sound Cup café which closed shop a few years back after he shifted from Garden City to Village Mall in Bugolobi?

Well, Maurice is investing again and this time round he is taking a whole different business journey; this time round the Mwoyo singer has stretched his wings into the tech investment arena. Kirya recently signed on as an investor with Sula Pay, a new financial technology startup under incubation at Hive Colab, Kampala’s first tech hub.

And the icing on the cake is, Maurice’s new investment will play some role in helping his music career and those of many other musicians. Maurice launched FREE DREAMS on Sula Pay, which marks the first time an album has been launched in the Ugandan music market without a physical component. “Sula Pay allows artists to sell music online and get paid easily with mobile money. With a few clicks, the album downloads directly to their mobile device,” Maurice told us.

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