Nakaseke voters to NRM MP Sarah Najjuma: Insist on Togikwatako even if you remain alone

 Nakaseke voters have warned their MP Sarah Najjuma against supporting the age limit bill, saying that she should oppose it even if she remains alone. Najjuma, in the consultatative meeting that attracted over 300 people, and the biggest in the 13 parishes she has so far traversed, promised to respect the demands of her electorate.

She said that the process of consulting has been transparent and smooth and everyone could be given a chance to speak about the issue, a reason she will go with the views of the majority.

In the meeting, NRM supporters advised President Museveni to instead prepare his successor.

Similarly, voting about the age limit bill was carried out in Bwamba County where 361 people opposed the amendment, 75 supported while 32 were undecided.

The constituency MP Richard Gafabusa promised to base on the resolution of the majority to vote against the bill when it gets tabled in parliament for the second reading.

However, these and many more developments seem to pose a great threat to this bill that was tabled in Igara West MP Raphael Magyezi, as constituencies with NRM MPs against the bill are increasing each day.

But as though aware of this development, the party has now resorted to dispatching its bigwigs to various parts of the country to convince masses and get support for the bill.

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