Mr Eazi arrived much earlier than his co-headliner- Tekno for their show that was held at Lugogo Cricket Oval last weeks. So, the Dance For Me singer had more time to enjoy in Kampala than his countryman. And what a better way to enjoy this city than touching base with some of the amazing beauties in the land!
So the story goes, that before flying into town, Mr Eazi had asked his colleague who has been in Uganda twice, for a contact of someone that could take care of his personal needs while in town.

Apparently, even before arrival Mr Eazi had already connected with his contact in Uganda. And as soon as the singer had settled in at the Kampala Serena Hotel, he called his contact, who showed up with socialite Tracy Bora. The two were given a go head from the reception to access Mr Eazi’s room, but the contact is said to have exited a few minutes later, leaving Bora and the Nigerian star all by themselves. Could Bora who dated a Nigerian prince- Karim, for some time have been asking about her ex, or the two had some other business to take care of?
Bora has previously entertained other stars coming to Uganda.