Here is the undisputed winner of the Kenyan elections

The undisputed winner of Kenyan elections is not Uhuru Kenyatta or Raila Odinga. He is Kenya’s latest celebrity. On Tuesday, August 8, Martin Kamotho Njenga queued patiently, waiting for his turn to vote at the Imara Primary School polling station in Kayole when suddenly, hunger pangs struck. He left the queue and asked those around him to ‘watch’ his position in the queue as he would be returning shortly.


Mr Kamotho emerged moments later with a polythene bag of githeri and munched his githeri quietly minding his business, occasionally craning his neck as if to check how long the queue was. Unbeknown to him, a hawk-eyed and a tech-savvy fellow voter was thrilled enough to capture the humorous scenario and shared it on Facebook.

The picture went viral on social media and even offline. The internet had a field day, something that has earned him television interviews, gifts, endorsements and of course, a celebrity status.


Thank God for the internet.

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