Dr Stella Nyanzi back to court today, in fear of another Luzira prison remand

Controversial Makerere University   lecturer Dr Stella Nyanzi is expected before Buganda Road Magistrates’ Court today. If her latest Facebook post is anything to go by, she is afraid of being remanded back to Luzira prison. According to Nyanzi’s last post while driving to the court, she suspects that the magistrate will not read a fair judgment.

 “I am quite pensive. The magistrate is going to pronounce himself on two issues – forcing me to undergo a mental test, and cancelling my bail because of subjudice claims. That these two issues exist in our Ugandan courts today, highlights how stone age our jurisprudence still is. Our justice and legal experts should return to wearing animal skins around their loins, and bongo bones through their noses”, she posted.

Nyanzi is battling with charges of cyber harassment of the president and offensive communication. However, recently the State Prosecutor filed another complaint about one of Nyanzi’s Facebook posts saying they were too offensive and asked the magistrate to cancel her bail. 

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