Celeb Style: Renah Nalumansi on why she is cautious about shopping online

How would you describe your style?
My style is bold, elegant, sophisticated and effortless depending on the occasion.

What is the one fashion item you cannot live without?
I can’t live without lipstick. I usually move with one or two in my purse. 
What is your worst buy ever?
That is probably a one shoulder bandage dress I bought online.  It was ill fitting and the fabric was terrible. It looked nothing like what I had seen on online prior to making my order.
What styling trick works for you all the time?
Well I make it a point to know what’s trending. Plus I believe my body should be making all the statements, so I am always opting for outfits that flatter my body. 
Any item we would not find in your wardrobe?
That would be body stockings/body tights.

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