I’ve failed to get a man- Sheebah

Singer Sheebah Karungi has come out and confessed that she has failed to find herself a man!

Sheebah made the revelations while appearing on NBS TV’s Live @5 show that is hosted by MC Kats on Valentine’s Day. “I think the problem is that I’m a woman of my own standards, and I stand by them,” Sheebah told Kats.

But Kats chose to press her further by insisting on knowing what kind of standards she had that would make it impossible to find a man, Sheebah said; “I love my power, my work, and respect! Those three words have made it hard for me to find a suitable man.”

Sheebah, however said she wasn’t putting the blame on the men, instead she turned the guns on herself and said; “Maybe I am also not easy to love; maybe I fall under those that were born not to settle.”

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