NO WAY: Gifts you should not give to your lover this  Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is a perfect day to share gifts. However, you should be mindful of the gifts you would intend to offer. Here is a list of some of the gifts you should not give out on the lover’s day.


Getting one or two sets of Underwear for your partner may be a good gesture, however how you present it may spoil the game. You may end up passing the wrong message to your partner.

Text messages only.

You may actually be wrong to assume your woman is not a fan of Valentine’s day celebrations. Sending her text messages alone may make her feel pissed depending on how her peers are enjoying it.

Plastic roses

You should not bother giving this kind of gift to your partner as Valentine’s day gift unless your Valentine is a form two student, but also they may also not like them and prefer a smart phone instead.

Tooth brush

This would also be a good idea but it may insult your partner as it passes out the wrong message.

Adult toys

There is a reason why kids like toys so much. However expensive an adult toy may be, your partner may assume you are taking them for granted and not appreciating their efforts “down there” like Elton Mabirizi says.

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