Real life stories: Ugandans spoke to us how they “survived” in January

Phew! Today marks the last day of January! Despite being the last month of the year, January has been one of the toughest periods to deal with. The austerity that follows after festive season is something that brings out the survival instincts of man that has evolved on this planet and thrived. Ugandans have proven that they can really survive any condition. Here is proof!

Here is how some people we spoke to managed to live life in January.


Edward Kalema, a graphic designer, photographer and sub-editor revealed to us that he lived off his savings. With no family yet to take care of, the young man informed us it was much easier to live off his savings. Ugandans have been urged to save and the government is planning to make saving mandatory. SACCOs, bank accounts and piggy banks have been fronted as one of the most practical ways to save for the rainy days…sorry dry days like January.


Graphics designer Assimwe Vincent revealed that prior planning paid off. He stocked pulses, cereals and so he add a steady supply of food all month long. However, meat was not an item on the menu. He could only afford to pass by the butcher and admire.


Rose, a shopkeeper revealed that times were very hard that she was forced to cheat. “There was nothing to do but I had to cheat my boss. How could I leave my child to starve yet I am selling foodstuff and handling money?” Indeed, man eateth where he worketh. For Rose, she was lucky to claim that the sales were plummeting because customers were broke and the boss let it pass!


A parent in Kireka revealed that he sent his children to the village so as to cut costs. “It would have been extremely difficult to keep them in Kampala throughout the festive season. I sent them to the village because, one, they need to bond with the relatives that they may not know and also it helped me look for money for their tuition fees”.


Emeka Collins, a comedian revealed that he owes it all to God. He says he has no idea how things worked out but God was on his side so he sailed through.


We spoke to several young men who revealed that they forgot the taste of alcohol and how it feels to be in a club. They let go these habits, not by choice but by the demands of the situation and as the law of the jungle dictates, survival is for the fittest.


Some we spoke to revealed that they kept home all the weekend cleaning up things here and there as they spared time to plan for the year. They did not go out all the month because of the shoe string budget.

Now, that January comes to an end, we hope you are wiser and more rejuvenated to kick off the year, yet gain, in style!

Happy new year! (If you know what I mean)


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