It was all fun and games for Swaibu Gwogyolonga, the Katikamu South constituency FDC chairperson who logged into his Facebook account and posted photo shopped images of a corpse of the head of state accompanied by a verbatim of how he will jubilate when that day comes true. Weird. Right? This Thursday, he will appear in court to explain his actions.

Last week Nsamba posted on his Facebook account expressing his utmost desire to celebrate the death of the president. The post went viral on social media and before he knew it, police was knocking at his door. They had not come for some redundant Internet bundles but rather a redundant Internet user-him!
He was arrested in Wobulenzi town by police detectives and briefly detained at Wobulenzi police station before he was transferred to the Criminal Investigations Department headquarters at Kibuli.
Nsamba was yesterday evening presented before the Acting police commissioner of Electronic counter measures Department, Bill Dickson Ndyamuhaki for interrogation.
However he insisted the charges against him were violating his freedom of expression.
According to the 2011 computer Misuse act section (25), Nsamba was charged with offensive communication but he was later released on police bond. He will appear before court this Thursday over the charges.