While a section of MPs have been in the spotlight campaigning for age limit of certain civil servants to be raised, former vice president Specioza Wandira Kazibwe has other ideas. She has proposed that the retirement age of all civil servants be reduced to 45 years to allow them pursue personal investments while they are still strong.

Kazibwe made the statements as she was receiving a Land cruiser V8 worth Ug. shs. 350M from the government as part of the retirement benefit for her service to the country. The function was held at her village in Dundu, Mukono district.
‘’ The mistake civil servants make is to retire at 60 and ask for another contract of three years and by the time they leave they are about 65 years, when they do not have the energy to do their own things,’’ Kazibwe stated. She further noted that advancement in age comes with greater demands which need higher levels of income yet civil service may not make ends meet.
Public service minister Mulira Mukasa lauded Kazibwe’s attitude stating that civil servants close to retirement age should plan early enough for life after serving government.
Section 12(1) of the pensions Act cap 288,requires all public officers like police,army teachers, accountants and doctors are to retire upon clocking 60 years.
The vehicle will be fueled and serviced by the government. The former VP has been in pubic service since 1987 and climbed the ladders from village level, National resistance council then later appointed vice-president, the first woman to hold the position on the continent. She bounced back in the spotlight as she made unsuccessful bid for AU chairperson seat.
There has been multiple media reports about former civil servants wallowing in frustration after retirement. Some have fallen victims to loan sharks while others have struggled in vain to make use of their pension.