Spread the Christmas cheer (and chores)

Christmas is here and it’s merry everywhere. The town is jammed up, the children are excited and the parents are under a lot of pressure. It wasn’t until I became one that I really got to appreciate the hustle my parents went through to give us a memorable Christmas. And I can vividly recall each one of them and the excitement that came along. The new outfits, the travel, the shopping sprees and all.

It’s the traditions in life that make it sweet isn’t it? I love how excited my kids get for the traditions we’ve set in our family for Christmas and year round. Christmas traditions with kids are so essential to building a strong family and there are ideas all around you to get you started.


For example, I just saw this idea at the Serena Hotel and I really thought it was a beautiful, thoughtful idea. They get different children from an orphanage and tag them on their Christmas tree where people are requested to sponsor a child of their choice. This does not only encourage the Christmas spirit of giving but it brings smiles to little faces. What better way to celebrate Christmas?

At our Sunday School, we are having a Christmas concert for our children’s families. With lots of beautiful and funny songs and a morning tea afterwards. Bringing people together is an every year Christmas theme. So don’t hold back on inviting friends, relatives, colleagues and anyone. Christmas is a time to get together and celebrate the birth of Jesus.

Decorating the Christmas tree is another activity that keeps the family together and as a way of spending family quality time. Back in the day we used tissue and balloons and now there’s lots of decor to choose from. Bells, candy, personalised decor and lots more. Get the kids involved in doing the décor. Whip up the holiday cheer by gathering family members to bake and decorate cookies. Assign youngsters manageable tasks such as pouring pre-measured ingredients, stirring, and making shapes with cookie cutters.

Older kids can measure wet and dry ingredients, crack eggs, and roll out the dough. When the cookies are cooled, the best part begins: decorating. Lay out assorted color frostings, sprinkles, and small candies, and watch everyone’s imagination soar as you make cookie creations.

As a family Christmas can also help you to get out of your comfort zone; take the kids to visit the needy and let them learn how important it is to spread the Christmas love far beyond their own home, or just the people they know. If, like me, you will be away from the city during the Christmas season, use this opportunity to adventure and discover the beauty of our country, appreciate nature and have some time to yourself and family. From me and the Matooke Republic family we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

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