Sarajoy Muva loves to call herself the Amber Rose of Uganda

We sat down with the socialite and she let us in on what guides her fashion.

How would you describe your style?

My style is edgy, urban, comfortable, fashion forward.

What is the one fashion item you cannot live without?

Super high heels.

What is your worst buy ever?

That would be the pair of shoes from Victoria Beckham that I bought at $500 (Shs1.8m). They fit and  because  I loved them, I assumed they would fit later. They ended up not fitting.  

What styling trick works for you all the time?

I keep it simple.

Any item we would not find in your wardrobe?

Wedges (I find them outdated), and baggy pants.  I need to show my body shape.

Oh, and cheap makeup. 

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