TNS members throw surprise birthday bash for Sheebah

sheeba-1Over the weekend singer Sheebah Karungi added another year; join us to wish Sheebah Karungi a belated Happy Birthday! But with a lot of pressure ahead of her debut concert, Sheebah hadn’t planned any celebrations for her big day. She instead woke up to her same routine for the past week; rushing for rehearsals.

However, later in the day, the singer received a call from one her managers telling her to dress up to perform at a surprise birthday party for a rich kid at Spectrum restaurant. Sheebah was there in minutes—but, as soon as she entered, she was greeted with a swarm of Team No Sleep members and some of the singer’s close friends and relatives, who serenaded her with a birthday song! Sheeba was presented with a huge cake and lots of gifts, and there were lots of eats and all tribes of alcohol.  A Sheebah who was initially lost for words said; “You guys are a great family; thanks for this, it means a lot to me,” before roaring; “Now let’s celebrate my big day!”

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