After weeks of soliciting for votes, our very own Patrick Idringi aka Salvador made it through to the next round of the world’s funniest person competition.

Salvador was one of the top 20 comedians announced to be part of the semi-final stage of the contest at an international press briefing held at the Laugh Factory in Hollywood on Tuesday morning.
Kenneth Kimuli aka Pablo was the other Ugandan in the race; but unfortunately he didn’t make it to the next round.
According to, the 20 comedians that made it to the final round, will be tussling it for a trophy and a grand prize of $100,000 (about 330m) for the eventual winner who will also become a comedy peace world ambassador.
The first and second runners-up will each bag $10,000 and $5,000 respectively.
An excited Salvado took to social media and thanked his fans; “For all your support and burning your MBs to make this Ombokolo man go through to the top 20 finalists of the Funniest Person In the World competition, I say thank you with a big heart…”
Salvado told us that he will be traveling to Helsinki, Finland for the semi- final round in December. The competition grand finale will take place in the same place, around the same time.Congs Salvado.