One of the things to look forward to for any Ugandan travelling upcountry is the roadside muchomo. Every major highway has a famous stop-over where vendors flood your vehicle cajoling you to buy their meat. Chances are that you have eaten something that is not supposed to be eaten if you have ordered this muchomo.

There are tales of some guys roasting dog meat and passing it off as goat meat, others roasting marabou stock (kalori) claiming its big chicken and now Uganda Wildlife Authority Executive Director Dr. Andrew Seguya has just confirmed that they have arrested a number of people selling baboon meat to unsuspecting travellers in Kafu, along the Kampala Gulu highway, claiming it is antelope meat.
“People must be careful with what they eat on the way. These people slaughter baboons and calves which they smear with cow blood to make the meat appear dark like game meat,” he warned.
Primate meat from animals like baboons and monkeys is eaten in Democratic Republic of Congo, but it is detested in Uganda. Primates have also been linked to carrying diseases like Ebola which are passed on to humans.