Kalyegira is an idiot – actor Luswata fires back at journalist who called Queen of Katwe film an embarrasment

Actor Philip Luswata didn’t mince words in calling Kalyegira an idiot.

Actor Philip Luswata has gotten back to journalist Timothy Kalyegira who has called the Queen of Katwe film an embarrassment.

Luswata who acted in the film didn’t mince words and called Kalyegira an idiot. He made the comments in a filmmakers Whatsapp group and asked that it be made known to Kalyegira that he no longer has respect for the “joker”.

“This gentleman must be a genius. If 20 minutes is enough for him to be so trashy about a film, there is something about him that is different. I must however point out this… How would you expect a film made in Uganda, about Ugandans, with majority Ugandan actors not to take advantage of ‘Ugandan English’ (I always had respect for this joker) technically, what is Ugandan acting?” Luswata wondered referring to Kalyegira’s criticism of “Ugandan English”.

“How do you expect Ugandan actors to act like Americans?! Ugandans act like Ugandans! The very reason they were cast! So that they can be Ugandan! Does this gentleman even know how much ADR was done to help SA actors to sound like Ugandans!”

Journalist Timothy Kalyegira.

Luswata also attacked Kalyegira who admitted that he followed a European woman out of the movie barely 20 minutes after screening.

“The idiot was even happy to brainlessly follow a ‘European’ woman, disrespectfully, out of the cinema! What sort of etiquette is this? Fellow couldn’t even think for self. He had to follow a woman who was disappointed in seeing no white face in the movie. Maybe she was even going to the toilet…and he followed!”

The child stars of the movie pose with director Mira Nair.

Luswata applauded the acting especially of the children in the movie.

“Ono Timothy Kalyegira musilu nnyo bulijjo sikimanyi ! Kids did a great job in the cinema…and the local adults too that supported them. I am proud of such a great product and happy to have contributed to the ‘Ugandaness’ of the film that this joker so detests!] This was a story driven by kids who, admittedly, had no acting background…why would any one play ‘bampaane’ on the efforts that should indeed be celebrated?”

“Oyo Kalyegira mulalu (mad). The two main Hollywood leads struggled like hell to sound Ugandan, and this idiot doesn’t even recognize this, choosing to attack the locals that were simply themselves.”

“Kalyegira musilu (is a fool). Such a disappointment.” Luswata summed it up.

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