Designing a small kitchen

small kitchen design ideas

When it comes to kitchens, big is not always better. In fact compared to large ones, small kitchens tend to look more welcoming and delicious, which is what we all want in a kitchen anyway. Not to mention how efficient the workspace in a small kitchen can be. However, having to make use of all the little space, doesn’t mean you can’t be arty about it. Check out these simple ideas to help you get started.


Brighten up your walls with a fresh coat of light shade paint. Bright walls have an effect on making a room look bigger. Also do not be afraid to go bald by adding a dark splash of colour to one of the walls. This will add a lot of character to your kitchen.


Like light paint, lighting also has the ability to make a small room appear bigger. Brighten up your kitchen with especially the work area and accent the kitchen furniture with whimsical lighting such as under the tables and cabinets. Always remember to use energy efficient bulbs like LED bulbs.


Clutter is usually a result of not having enough space, but even having more space is often not the solution. Being simple with your space is. Most kitchen equipment has multiple purposes. This is an advantage because now you can donate, throw or store away those things that you do not need or haven’t used in a long time. Let your kitchen breath by going through the cabinets and counters clearing all the clutter from front to back.

Hide furniture

When it comes to small kitchen furniture, you have loads of creative approaches. Furniture that can appear and disappear at your convenience can come in handy. Examples of such furniture are; Roll-out kitchen cabinets or tables, drop-down or wall-mounted tables and working boards, backless and tuck away stools etc.

Additional storage

You could also add some DIY shelves or cabinets for additional storage. A row of shelves e.g. above a counter on in the corners can be a perfect for a flower vase or to show off your priceless china.

Go for glass

Visual effects is what a small kitchen needs above everything else. Glass will make your kitchen look bigger and cozier.  Try a glass counter or table top, glass cabinet doors, glass door as opposed to wooden one because the wooden one will make a small kitchen close in. My favourite is the power of a mirror. A strategically placed mirror in a small kitchen has its own type of magic.


Because the floor catches the first eye, it’s very important that you take extra care when investing in a small kitchen floor. Linoleum when beautifully patterned can make a great tasteful kitchen floor as can tumbled marble.

Be whimsical

You probably love perfection. Throw in a few of your crazy arty ideas and your kitchen will spell nothing but perfection. You do have crazy arty ideas, don’t you?

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