Sandra Sekamwa: The holidays are here


Growing up, I used to drown in excitement at the mention of school holidays! I drew little pictures in my head of how neat our home compound would be as we filled it with drawings of different games and put boundaries on where players and spectators were to station.

I remember my favourite game was skipping the rope and one where we called upon countries. The memories up until now fill me with joy. We made up groups that were tasked to compete, it did not really matter who you belonged with as long there was going to be teamwork.


Sadly, today I look at the activities that our children take on during the school holiday and am awakened to the fact that our sweet childhood memories are fading away. Gadgets and the high tech systems have brainwashed our little ones. Everything from back then continues to be replaced with a smart phone, tab, video game, scooters, roller skates and the like.

Knowing how to keep children happy and active through the school holidays can sometimes be daunting for parents, especially when things cost so much.

Then there is a group of teenagers that just become a menace during holidays, so you have to keep them engaged.

Allow me share a few tips to help you take some of the stress out of it, and keep everyone happy without needing to spend a fortune.

*During the school holidays, there may be lots going on in your local area that your family can enjoy, often free of charge.

Check newspapers that list of holiday proggies that involve different activities like sports tournaments or music competitions.

*Libraries are also a great source of activity with plenty of books and computers to keep children busy, plus they often have story time for toddlers and parents.

Staying home

Of course, on some days, you will find yourselves stuck at home, but that doesn’t mean anyone has to be bored. You could take the opportunity to spend some time sharing a favourite game or story with your children or, if you want some more inspiration, try some of these activities.

Arrange a movie day – choose a couple of favourite films, get some popcorn and put your feet up with the kids.

Get cooking – pick a recipe with the kids, go shopping for ingredients and cook something together that you can enjoy eating afterwards. Depending on your child’s age and interest, this could be anything from a simple cake to yummy chapatis!

Dig out the puzzles, games and books and give them a go. Some good old-fashioned entertainment can be really fun.

One activity that is always on our holiday list is sorting our clothes together and recycling the ones that we never wear and the stuff the little ones grown out of. It’s not only a fun and tidy practice but it encourages children to be honest givers rather than to hold on to things for no reason at all.

Encourage the kids to put on a play or a magic show. They could even use the dress up clothes and props from around the house. If you have a camera, you can even film it, for great memories.

Make simple colourful kites together – all you need is some manila paper, crayons and a thread. Create a scrapbook together using photos from your family album, or torn from magazines.

The great outdoors

Sunny days are great for simple activities like picnics and ball games. Organise a treasure hunt around your home and garden with clues and treats for the children to find.

Hold your own mini Olympics with games that require little equipment… a sack race with pillowcases, a tug of war with a dressing gown belt! There is really so much to do with holidays at home and the bonding it creates is unforgettable. So make good use of the kids holiday time because at the end of the day it’s how you spent time with them that will matter not what you bought them….

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