Ghetto President, HE Bobi Wine has embarked on a mission designed to help many of the unemployed Kampala and Ghetto youth out of poverty.
The mission dumbed ‘’Lwanyisa Yala’’ is a project centered on fighting poverty, and Bobi Wine partnered up with TVS Star Motor Cycle Company. In this project, the youth will be given a chance to purchase brand new motor cycles at an initial deposit of Shs1m.
“With the rampant unemployment and poverty especially among the ghetto youth, I decided to partner with TVS (Kalinnya nsozi) to make it easier by introducing a loan scheme where any youth can get a brand new TVS boda boda by paying an upfront fee of just Shs1m and pay the balance in smaller bits,’’ Bobi posted on his face book page.
The singer has positioned himself as a champion for causes of underprivileged youths in the ghettos.