I have arrived: Range Rover video girl Kagimba says after Kansiime and Salvado say she has the funniest video

kagimba8Her passion is photography, but Martha Kemi Kagimba could have stumbled into big time comedy after she posted a video thanking God for being knocked by a Range Rover.

Now that she has the endorsement of big time comedians, the funny Kagimba, a UCU Mass Communication finalist says she has finally arrived.

“??? I’m just enjoying this!! That ka video has made Me arrive! ??” Kagimba posted after sharing Kansiime’s comment.

Rapper GNL Zamba who now lives in the US also dropped an encouraging message in her inbox.

And she decided to take the Range Rover joke a step further by making a photoshop graphic besides her dream car.

If you not yet watched the viral video, check it out below.

[iframe id=”https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fkemigisha.kagimba%2Fvideos%2F10207977782780258%2F&show_text=0&width=400″]

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