Celeb Style: Chuck Brian is edgy

chuck2Chuck Brian is one of the most sought after celebrity stylists. He has worked with them all from Juliana, to Judith Heard to Desire Luzinda. We asked what makes his style tick. 

How would you describe your style?
My style is edgy, classy and vibrant.

What is the one fashion item you cannot live without?
Skinny jeans. They can go anywhere, everywhere. Depending on how I match them up.

What is your worst buy ever?
A pair of hush puppy shoes that I wore once and hated the entire night! I had to get rid of them immediately.

What styling trick works for you all the time?
Always buy beautiful things even if separately. You don’t need to first match a full outfit to buy one. This helps in that if you’re stepping out, you just put things together and not much thought needs to be put in.

Any item we would not find in your wardobe?
You wouldn’t find a pair of baggy jeans in my wardrobe. Never! I love everything that fits well.

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