Celeb style: Solomon Tazibone calls his style eclectic

Solomon Tazibone is a co-presenter of the Style Project on NTV. He speaks to Matooke Republic about his sense of style. tazibone

How would you describe your style?
My style is quite eclectic. I am all about ‘everything’; I derive inspiration from a broad range of influences. I am always playing with new ideas because I get bored fast. Call me a style chameleone.

What is the one fashion item you cannot live without?
I cannot live without jeans. Jeans are just about the most practical and convenient item of clothing there is.

What is your worst buy ever?
My worst buy was a thrifted pastel pink blazer\jacket. It just didn’t seem to work with anything. I gave it to my sister.

What styling trick works for you all the time?
If I have to get really dressy or go glamorous, I go all black. Somehow it always works.

Any item we would not find in your wardobe?
You would never find high boots in my wardrobe. I think they are not effortless.

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