I thought my mother used to fight with daddy because things would be banging in their bedroom every night – Anne Kansiime


Comedienne Anne Kansiime held her debut One-Woman show at the Imperial Royale Hotel in Kampala on Thursday night and she left the audience in stitches.

One of her funniest skits was the story of how she would hear things banging in her parents’ bedroom every night and she thought they used to fight.

“My mother used to be banging walls saying go away devil. She would slap the floor chasing the devil from our household and poor me thought she was always fighting with daddy, kumbe she was just praying for us,” Kansiime said sending the audience in bouts of laughter.

“Look where I am today because of that woman’s prayers,” Kansiime said to the delight of her mother who was in the audience.

“That woman used to pray and speak in tongues … shabarabarabara shabarabara … and her prayers worked. Make sure you pray for your children,” Kansiime said.

She sent the audience into more laughter when she said that her mother used to pray that her children who didn’t want to wake up and go to school would die in bed!

“If you are the one who is sleeping and you hear such a prayer, can you stay in bed? We would immediately wake up and run to school,” she said.

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