As we celebrate Women’s Day this Sunday, it is unfortunate that there are still men who turn their wives into punching bags.
Martin Oketch could not stomach it after seeing his sister lying on a hospital bed nursing wounds inflicted upon her by her husband Raymond Osimbo’s battering. He took to social media and decided to ashame Osimbo who has worked with Safaricom Kenya.

Making this (previously private) post public so everyone can see what a horrible person you are! Raymond Osimbo you should be ashamed of yourself! You are one disgusting piece of filth to beat your wife and my sister like this! What kind of man are you? This time you have overplayed your hand.. And you better watch your back. What kind of a man posts pictures of a vacation you went without your wife? You have kids for God’s sake. Is this how you want your sons to treat their women when they grow up? There you are thinking you are somebody with a job my sister found for you. Go be a cheat at your own place but leave my sister be. No real man beats their wife into unconsciousness like you did here. SHAME SHAME SHAME. Will not rest until you are in Jail and the keys are thrown away. Everybody else please pray for my sister. #DomesticViolence#Wifebeater.