Socialite Judith Heard is terrified after finding a headless chicken dumped at her gate on Friday morning.
This is crazy but in God I trust, Just found a chicken with no head at my gate! What could that be,” she posted on her Facebook wall.

The nalongo was quick to turn to God for prayer for an answer and protection from evil people.
“Lord Jesus, You said that when the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of God will raise a standard against him! (Isa.59:19) But You also said that we should do OUR part. You said, “RESIST the Enemy and he shall flee from thee!” (Jam.4:7) I’m not just being passive, Lord, expecting YOU to do it all — I am here and now, “FIGHTING the good fight of faith! — Resisting my adversary the Devil!” And trusting YOU, Lord Jesus, to deliver me from him and all of his devices!-1Tim.6:12; 1Pet.5:9,” she said quoting some scriptures.
We didn’t know she could even quote Bible verses.