OMG! Nursery school children pictured taking beer

children beer

A photo of nursery school children barely above the age of six taking beer went viral on Friday afternoon.

The children are being served local beer brand like Bell Lager, Nile Special and Club Beer which proves that they are definitely Ugandan, though the location of the local pub has not been identified yet.

There have been mixed reactions ranging from people laughing at the ridiculous situation to uproar over an adult serving toddlers in a country where people below the age of 18 are not allowed to consume alcohol.

Deputy Police Commissar Judith Nabakooba has vowed to crack down on the school allowing these children to take alcohol and she has appealed to the public to volunteer information to the police.

“Dear colleagues, anyone with information leading to identifying the school shown in the picture should inform police or authorities. Children below the age of 18 are not supposed to consume alcohol,” she said.

“Mutuyambe tumanye essomero eriwa abaana Abato omwenge.tulina okukuma abaana okubawonya ebikolwa ebyo bulabe eri obulamu bwabwe. BA Maama, bataata, abavubuka tutaase abaana baffe,” she concluded her plea saying that children should be protected from such acts that are harmful to their health.

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